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The Warrior Belt is a tradition at the Edge. It is signified by a camouflage colored belt. The warrior belt is worn by the student who has distinguished himself or herself by being an outstanding Martial Artist. Once a month, the instructors meet to discuss which student has “stood out” during class, as highly motivated, helpful, kind, eager to learn, and exhibits the qualities that make them a role model to other students. The instructors also meet with the previous month’s Warrior Belt to get input on who they think might be worthy of consideration.

     As a Warrior Belt, the student is considered the ranking member of their class, and takes the head of the class position while lining up. It is a position that students can strive for while working towards their next belt.


     The current Warrior Belt’s photo with a pose of their choice will be placed at the top of this page. Past Warrior Belts will have their pictures posted below, in the page of warriors.